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15x15x2.4cm, acrylic on cradled ply panel, . Gloss finish


I had just finished a 120x120cm when I realised I had promised 2 mini paintings for a gallery in Toowoomba. My ever-patient husband made some 15x15cm panels despite making many frames for my first solo show.

I loved making the first 4 and kept painting. I used to work even smaller when I first worked en plein air in Bermuda in the early years of my career. So I felt a certain sense of a full circle.

Many of the flowers I have painted at the Acres during my artist's residency have reminded me of my parents, particularly my Dad who loved hos garden. He would throw Nasturtium seeds into the garden every year. Once there were flowers he would regularly pick a small bunch and place them in a tiny hand-painted glass on the kitchen table. This sid of him intrigued me. I have planted nasturtiums ever since to remember him.

Nasturtium mini II

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